Welcome to the Hoffman Murphy Loan Education Page

Maybe you feel that today's interest rates are just too high and you should wait to buy until rates come down. 

What we have found is that many of our buyers benefit from a "buy down" loan, which is a loan that starts at a very low rate and makes a purchase more affordable and less scary. 

It is called a "buy down" because the SELLER pays the lender to "buy down" the interest rate to an affordable level. Let's talk to Fernando to see how these programs could work for you.". 

Maybe you have lost out in one or more attempts to write an offer and get the home you want -

because the market is competitive and you go up against cash offers or buyers with big down payments.

With the Hoffman Murphy team, you can make a CASH offer on your dream home and win over the competition. Let's hear from John again to hear how we can help you make an ALL CASH OFFER!

"Many buyers are reluctant to buy a new home because they have to sell their current home first. 

With the Hoffman Murphy Team,  you can buy your new home with cash before you sell your current home. 

How does that sound for making things easier?  Let's talk to John to hear how we can make this happen. 

 Many buyers think they need to save 20% or more to buy a home.

Did you know you can buy a home with as little as 3.5% down - even at a price up to $2.5 million! T

This is a game changer to get you in the market for a home NOW, and start earning equity instead of saving for more down payment.   Doug, how can a buyer purchase with a low down payment?